By Shane Reeves, CEO of TwelveStone Health Partners

“I believe that one of the next great moves of God is going to be through believers in the workplace.”

— Dr. Billy Graham

It is amazing to me the number of business owners that I meet who are serious about generating profits and delivering value to stakeholders (in other words, to customers, staff, vendors, and investors) while simultaneously trying to balance the pursuit of a higher calling in an effort to leave the world better than they found it.

In large organizations such as Whole Foods, Starbucks, Waste Management and UPS, generating a profit is a strategy for supporting both the company and a significant social cause.

When TwelveStone Health Partners was launched in February 2016, we decided from the very beginning that our purpose statement was going to be about more than just making money, taking care of patients and developing a tremendous team. We also wanted to be a company that honored God in how we invest our time, influence and financial resources.

So how do we do that?

We have decided to take a percentage of our profits and invest in a newly formed nonprofit organization called Rx4HIM. This organization will fund the following four initiatives:

  • Internally: Offer pastoral services for employees.
  • Community: Support faith-based, nonprofit healthcare organizations.
  • Benevolence: Fund the care for truly marginalized patients in our service area.
  • Mission: Provide funds for medical missions to Third World countries.

Although we have just gotten Rx4HIM off the ground, we recently were able to support a patient through our mission initiative.

A five-year-old child recently placed at the City of Children orphanage in Ensenada, Mexico, is unable to walk due to severe health issues and neglect experienced early in life. Diagnosed with hypoglycemia and a seizure disorder, this child also has mental disabilities. This young man requires a specialized diet and has visited several local physicians who eventually prescribed diazoxide to address and stabilize his conditions.

This expensive medication is not available in Mexico, but through a communication by a recent TwelveStone intern, Rx4HIM was able to provide assistance. Through Rx4HIM, a shipment of diazoxide was immediately shipped to Ensenada. The orphanage’s director, Tom Begin, shared a praise report for the Rx4HIM response and has high hopes that the new medication will improve this boy’s life.

I encourage business owners and executives to vigorously pursue their companies’ missions and to generate unprecedented profits and then use some of those profits to serve, lead and help leave our world better than you found it.